It’s Happening

Playa Vista is the place to be. Check out what’s happening in our Westside community!
Biscuits, Barks & Brew
Saturday, March 12th
9 – 10:30am
Oberreider Park, Basketball Court
Bring your furry friends and mingle with your neighbors while enjoying a variety of bagels, shmears, coffee, juice, fruit and dog treats.
FREE Pilates Workshop
Saturday, March 5
11am – 12pm
The Resort Wellness Room
What exactly is Pilates? It’s time you find out! Learn the foundation of mat Pilates including technique, form, and modifications for your individual body. We will break down the basic exercises and show how you can advance them accordingly. Register on Playalink or email Micaela at:
Other Community Happenings
Playa Vista Farmers’ Market
9am – 2pm
The Playa Vista Farmers’ Market showcases the freshest fruits, vegetables and flowers from the best local farmers California has to offer as well as other traditional market fare. It’s located on Seabluff & Bluff Creek drives.
Pajama Storytime
Thursday, March 3rd
Playa Vista Branch Library
Kids of all ages are encouraged to dress up in their PJs and join their friends and favorite stuffed animal for a one-of-a-kind storytime experience.
Dinosaurs Rock!
Monday, March 7th
Playa Vista Branch Library
Get ready for some dino-mite fun! Kids ages 4+ are invited to join friends and family for an afternoon full of dinosaur-filled stories, games and crafts.
Friends of Ballona Wetlands: Salt Marsh & Dunes Tour
Sunday, March 13th
1pm – 3pm
Learn about our coastal ecosystems and explore the wonder of nature in urban Los Angeles!
Details »
LMU Art Exhibit: From Clay to the Cloud
Through Sunday, March 20th
Laband Art Gallery, Loyola Marymount University
Details »
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