Concerts & Movies in the Park

Summer is such a fun time of year in Playa Vista! Great events fill many weeks with Concerts and Movies in the Park and the newly expanded twice a week Farmers’ Market. Thanks to Time Warner Cable for sponsoring Movies in the Park and one of the concerts. The full Summer schedule is online here!
July Concerts and Movies in the Park
7/12 Movie in the Park – The Goonies/Food Trucks – Central Park Bandshell – 8pm
7/14 Concert in the Park – The Zippers – Concert Park – 5pm – sponsor Time Warner
7/19 Movie in the Park – Wreck-It Ralph/Food Trucks – Concert Park – 8pm
7/28 Concert in the Park – Surf City All Stars – Central Park Bandshell – 5pm
Food Trucks at Friday Night Movies are open from 5-9pm.
A shuttle will run to all events at the Central Park Bandshell- see schedule here.
We love to bring in Food Trucks a few times a year, but we also love our neighborhood restaurants Piknic and Sweet Fish. Dinner at Piknic or Sweet Fish before or during a concert or movie sounds ideal! Let’s support our 90094 businesses!
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