April Community Development Updates

We’d like to keep the Playa Vista community informed about construction in and around the neighborhood. We’ll be providing brief updates on what’s planned right here on the Playa Vista blog. Read on to see what’s happening with Seabluff Flats construction, Bluff Creek partial road closures and the Ballona Freshwater Wetlands System.
Seabluff Flats by The New Home Company
- Seabluff Flats construction hours are from 7am to 5pm Monday through Friday and from 8am to 5pm on Saturday.
- The street closure of Discovery Creek (between Seabluff Drive and Celedon Creek) is now in effect and will be in place through the end of 2018. The sidewalk on the south side of Discovery Creek is open to pedestrian traffic.
- Celedon Creek has been restriped temporarily per the City of Los Angeles, which has resulted in no-parking zones. Please read all posted street signs prior to parking.
- From April 3rd to April 7th, the walkway between Seabluff Flats and Tempo will be closed to pedestrian traffic from 7am to 5pm due to operating machinery.
- Piles are being installed, which will form the foundation for Seabluff Flats. This work will continue for the next few weeks. Residents can expect to hear engine and equipment noise associated with the work.
- From April 5th to April 7th, the remaining storm drain will be installed at the intersection of Discovery Creek and Seabluff Drive. Traffic control will be on-site to direct vehicles through the area. Please read all posted street signs prior to parking.
- Construction parking for Seabluff Flats will be located on the south side of Bluff Creek Drive. There will be no construction parking in front of any of the parks.
- If you have additional questions, please contact the site manager, Robert Kegley, at 818.634.0483.
- Information is subject to change based on weather, construction schedules and other factors.
Bluff Creek Partial Road Closure
Bluff Creek Drive was previously opened in both directions adjacent to Mason and Cleo. Starting this Thursday, Playa Vista will shut down the north half of Bluff Creek Drive due to safety concerns. Even though Bluff Creek Drive is under construction and not fully opened, motorists have been travelling at dangerous speeds in this area that has many pedestrians, and several people have almost been hit. There will be a fence blocking off the north side of the median, and signage will be installed. Once the fence is installed, there will only be eastbound traffic on Bluff Creek Drive from McConnell Avenue to Village Drive.
Also, all drivers should obey all posted street signs or construction notices for parking rules. Bluff Creek Drive on the residential side is always a no-parking zone and the other side of Bluff Creek has limited parking near certain parks. Although temporary construction parking was previously allowed, the buildings along this section of Bluff Creek Drive are now occupied with homeowners, and there is a no-parking zone in front of all residences.
Ballona Freshwater Wetlands
This is the first of periodic updates from the Ballona Wetlands Conservancy (BWC) on the maintenance activities in the Ballona Freshwater Wetlands System.
Several activities, summarized below, will be undertaken in attempts to prevent a recurrence of the spike in mosquito levels from last year:
- Regular maintenance of tule, cattails and other vegetation will take place to make it easier for Gambusia (aka mosquitofish) to traverse the wetlands system and feed on mosquito larvae. In 2016, overgrown vegetation limited the effectiveness of the Gambusia and led to the Los Angeles County West Vector Control District ordering extensive clearance of the vegetation.
- Looking to the future, Vector Control has directed BWC to begin using an approved herbicide application in April that is safe and effective at eliminating and suppressing new reed, vegetation and aquatic surface growth. The herbicide will be applied in specific areas in the Riparian Coordinator designated “No Growth” areas by vector control. The California Department of Fish and Wildlife was consulted and approved the herbicide as environmentally appropriate.
- All reasonable attempts will be made to preserve fish and wildlife populations and maintain the biodiversity of the region. Vector Control will continue to monitor the mosquito counts and modify maintenance plans for reed growth as necessary to protect public health and safety.
Thank you for your interest regarding the Freshwater Marsh and Riparian Corridor. For more information, please contact info@ballonawetlandsconservancy.com.
About the Ballona Wetlands Conservancy
The Ballona Wetlands Conservancy (BWC) is a non-profit entity with the primary purpose of maintaining the Freshwater Wetland System. The BWC works closely with Los Angeles County West Vector Control District to monitor and protect public health by ensuring mosquito counts in the system are managed and in compliance with the Mosquito Abatement Plan established in 1995.
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