
Connect with neighbors and friends at a fun community event. See what’s happening this month!
5K Fun Run
The Sports Park
Saturday, April 16th
Sponsored by Elevation, Whole Foods Market and KeVita – join us for the first annual 5K run at Playa Vista! Space is limited to 50 participants, so sign up today! For more information and registration, go to PlayaLink!
Spring Fair
Concert Park
Saturday, April 16th
11am – 2pm
Join your friends and neighbors at this fun-filled community event featuring health, wellness and safety activities. Dance to great music, enjoy kid games and activities, visit our photobooth, get your blood pressure checked, test your gate analysis or body fat, make a smoothie using our blender bike, learn more about CERT and much more! Visit PlayaLink to sign up for some testings you won’t want to miss!
Food Trucks:
Cousins Maine Lobster
Chunk N’ Chip
Grilled Cheese Truck
Good Greek Grub
Say Fish Taco
Rollin Burger Barn
The Resort Anniversary
The Resort
Wednesday, April 20th
5 – 8pm
Join us in celebrating the one year anniversary of the Resort! Grab your family and neighbors and head on over for some fun-filled activities!
Campus Bagels & Brew
Campus Central Park Bandshell
Thursday, April 21st
9 – 10:30 am
Spend the morning with your Campus friends while noshing on a variety of bagels, shmears, fruit, coffee and OJ! Make sure to bring your Campus ID badge.
French Bistro Cooking Demonstration
The Resort Demonstration Kitchen
Friday, April 29th
7 – 9pm
Learn to make classic homestyle recipes from the French Bistro tradition while sipping on Kir Royales! Menu will include gougères (cheese puffs), spring radishes on slices of baguette, classic croque monsier, frisée salad, coq au vin and dark chocolate pots de crème. For more information and to register, visit PlayaLink.
Playa Vista Yard Sale
Concert Park
Saturday, May 14th
9am – 3pm
Save the date for this bi-annual community event! Declutter your home and browse through what other people may have available. Please contact Jennifer Kingshot at outdoorgirl9@gmail.com for more details.
Taste of Playa Vista
The CenterPointe Club
Friday, May 20th
7 – 10 pm
Spend the evening with your neighbors at the 2016 Taste of Playa Vista event. Enjoy food and wine tastings from around the world while participating in the live and silent auctions to benefit Playa Vista Elementary School! Don’t miss out on a fun night out. Tickets are $20 per person and are non-refundable. You can purchase tickets through PlayaLink.
Other Community Happenings
Playa Vista Farmers’ Market
Seabluff & Bluff Creek drives
9am – 2pm
The Playa Vista Farmers’ Market showcases the freshest fruits, vegetables and flowers from the best local farmers California has to offer as well as other traditional market fare.
Playa Vista Teen Code Club
Playa Vista Branch Library
Tuesday, April 5th, 12th, 19th & 26th
Come hang with teens interested in computers and coding at the Playa Vista Branch Library. All skill levels welcome. Ages 12 – 18 only.
Pajama Storytime
Playa Vista Branch Library
Thursday, April 7th
Kids of all ages are encouraged to dress up in their PJs and join their friends and favorite stuffed animal for a one-of-a-kind storytime experience.
Young Contemporaries: Annual Juried Student Exhibition
Laband Art Gallery, Loyola Marymount University
April 14th – May 7th
Join our Interest List for news and updates and to be included in upcoming special events. Check back often and be sure to Like us on Facebook to be kept in the loop.