Fresh Finds

Start your weekend off fresh with a trip to the Playa Vista Famers’ Market – now at its new location at Runway Playa Vista on Town Center Drive – every Saturday from 9am to 2pm. Complete with the best selection of veggies, fruits, flowers and artisanal goodies, it’s the perfect place to celebrate all things summer and connect with local farmers and vendors. Don’t forget to Like them on Facebook for the latest news and/or email them directly at with any questions you may have.
The Playa Vista Farmers’ Market will be hosting a reading circle for kids on July 16th at 10am. The ABC’s of Everything will be reading “How To Eat Your ABC’s”– written entirely in rhyme – to celebrate the fun of eating farm-fresh fruits and vegetables. The mascot (a honey bee named “BuzzBee”) takes kids through every letter of the alphabet with a story about a corresponding fruit or vegetable. Stop by!
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