January Happenings

Community Events
Meditation with Doug Frankel
Wednesday, January 8th
Playa Vista Public Library
Experience how meditation can help your mind, body and spirit with long time meditator Doug Frankel. Learn a simple meditation technique that can be used daily for greater peace, energy and well-being. Learn more at the Playa Vista Public Library.
Mutt Manners at Wallis Annenberg PetSpace
Sundays, January 12th, 19th & 26th
Wallis Annenberg PetSpace
10am – 11am
Wallis Annenberg PetSpace invites you and your dog to join them for obedience dog training classes with certified professional dog trainer, Katie McGuire. Learn more and register today at Annenberg PetSpace!
Friends of Ballona Wetlands Beginner Birding & Creek Cleanup
Saturday, January 18th
303 Culver Blvd. Playa Del Rey
9am – 11:30am
Roll up your sleeves to help the Friends of Ballona Wetlands clean up the last coastal wetland in Los Angeles. Ages 7+ recommended and closed shoes are required. Gloves and equipment are provided. Please be prompt as late arrivals will not be admitted and the gate will be locked. Meet in the parking lot behind Alkali Water/Gordon’s Market at 303 Culver Blvd. For more information please call (310) 306-5994 or visit the Friends of Ballona Wetlands website.
Kids Night with Champ Camp
Saturday, January 18th
The Resort Club Room
4:30pm – 8:30pm
The Champ Camp team will provide your kids with an outrageously good time. Between learning teamwork skills to building a fort, indoor group games, a scrumptious locally sourced dinner, snack and a movie, your little champ’s Saturday night will be full of excitement. You can enjoy an early date night at Runway while the kids have their own fun! Exclusive to Playa Vista residents, please sign up via The Resort website on PlayaLink!
How to Sew Scrunchies for Teens
Tuesday, January 21st
Playa Vista Public Library
Come learn how to sew your own scrunchies! Ages 11 to 18 are welcome! Visit the Playa Vista Public Library for more information.
Playa Vista Farmers’ Market
Millennium Dr. between McConnell & Village
9am – 2pm
Rain or shine, enjoy a diverse assortment of California grown fruits, vegetables and flowers along with a variety of local artisan foods!
The Resort/Elevation Fitness
Run Club
The Pointe Park
Did you know that Playa Vista has a weekly Wednesday night run club? It’s the perfect time (and weather) to get started! Walkers, joggers and runners are all welcome! Meet every Wednesday at The Pointe park at 6:30pm.